
Sega Master System

The Master System was released in North America in the summer of 1986.*11  By the end of the year is had sold more than the Atari 7800 at around 125,000 systems but the NES still maintained its dominance of the home console market.*12  The System was manufactured and sold until early 1992 with somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million units being sold.*13

Sega Genesis

The Genesis was released in August of 1989 in North America.*14  This was the first system to effectively compete with the Nintendo outselling the SNES by more than 2 to 1 during 1991. *15  Over its lifetime the Genesis sold more than 30 million systems and was produced in one form or another until 1998.*16

Sega Saturn

The Saturn was released in North America on May 11th, 1995.  This release was a surprise and shock to both consumers and retailers as it had originally been announced for a NA release in November.*17  The surprise release likely contributed to the poor sale performance of the Saturn over its lifetime with just roughly 9 million consoles sold. Production of the console ceased in 1997.*18

Sega Dreamcast

The Dreamcast launched in North America on September 9th, 1999*19  Its initial launch was well received with sales of several hundred thousand units by the end of 1999.  But on January 31 2001 Sega announced the discontinuation of the Dreamcast after March 31, 2001.  In its short lifetime it sold just over 9 million consoles.*20,21